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Winter Tree LineWinter FogHarvest TimeWinter ContrastAnnual Fading LightFading Light, Le Rond 2Reflection PondWinter MoonriseFrozen FallsWarming Rock FaceCascading WaterfallWinter TrickleComplex Maple TreeSunset Over Reflection PondWinter Lake PillowsHelios RisingWarming Sand Dunes Range"S" Curve at SunriseRidgeline SolitudeShifting Sand

Guestbook for land.scape - "an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view"
This is one of the best lunch breaks I have had in a long time.
These pictures are breathtaking, and I am in awe and nature's beauty.
Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us.
Thanks for sharing these beautiful and amazing pictures. Also, I was happy to Danny made it to the album. It is so nice for you, a father and daughter, dynamic team to enjoy a gift of talent.